NBC4 Interview - Ways to Incorporate Black in a Home’s Design

One of my nieces recently asked me which was my favorite color. When I replied black, she looked at me confused, then looked at her set of markers and coloring book, and looked back at me demanding a different answer. I also like pink, I said. Then she smiled and proceeded to color with a pink marker.

I get it. She’s still too young to know that flowers can be black, that nature has shades of black all around, and that indeed the color black is by far the most elegant and versatile that there is. When it comes to interiors and my designs, black is naturally always present. Sometimes in a subtle way, and others with an indisputable presence.

My favorite local reporter, Erika Gonzales from NBC4, recently interviewed me on what might be my favorite design topic: How to incorporate the color black in your home’s design. Including real photos of my projects, and my favorite tips and tricks this segment shows practical ways on how to use black around the house, from your bedroom to your master bathroom!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Now tell me, how would YOU incorporate the color black in your next home project?

I read you. xx.